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DVB Services Sàrl is a limited liability company that carries out certain commercial activities on behalf of the DVB Project.

Founded in 1993, the DVB Project is an industry-led consortium of the world’s leading media and technology companies working together to design open technical specifications for digital media delivery.

DVB Identifiers

Identifiers are codes that aid the identification of DVB broadcasts and services. DVB Services is the registration authority for identifiers pertaining to different DVB specifications, including DVB-SI (Service Information), DVB-DATA (Data Broadcasting), DVB-GSE (Generic Stream Encapsulation), DVB-CI (Common Interface) and others.

DVB Mark Agreement

Any company that wishes to use the DVB logo on a product that complies with DVB standards must record itself as a DVB Trademark Authorized User.

If your company has already registered, please contact us to obtain the logo files.